Sarah Diddy
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Know No Bounds


About this site

I created a site for people to learn more information/evolution about my work. My inspiration is from the sky and land. I use the vast open space I have grown to know in New Mexico. There is a page for viewing my works of creation, purchasing my jewelry pieces and seeing my artistic process. You can even see up coming events where my work will be.



Pedal pedal pedal. Feel the wind as you go. Up the trail to the Sandia’s, where all can be seen. How vast and small one feels. 

Pedal pedal pedal. Down the trail you go. Hear the Rio Grande River full of life and welcoming to all. How calming and serene.

Pedal pedal pedal. 


Never noticed how overwhelming this sunset could be.

Deep purple, passion red, blushing pink, sunny orange and golden yellow.


Until another day.